Joint Graduate Student Seminar

Joint Graduate Student Seminar

The Department arranges Joint Graduate Student Seminars half-yearly, which are essential components of the graduate program. The first seminar, typically held in December, requires students to give a 20-minute talk on a microbiology, virology, or mycology topic (with approval from their respective supervisors), to showcase their knowledge and research in the field.

The second seminar, conducted in May, focuses on students providing updates on their research projects, which ultimately contribute to their theses. Supervisors and senior members of the department evaluate and grade the students’ performance during these seminars. Notably, the student delivering the most exceptional presentation in each seminar is honoured with the esteemed “Best Presentation Award.”

Best Presentation Award
Ms Helen Oh

Ms Helen Oh

Date: November 2023

Ms Deer Zhu

Ms Deer Zhu

Date: May 2023

Mr Peter Luk

Mr Peter Luk

Date: Dec 2022

Ms Deer Zhu

Ms Deer Zhu

Date: May 2022

Publications (Representative)
Past recipientTeamDate
Ms Sylvia TongVirologyDec 2021
Ms Sylvia TongVirologyDec 2019
Ms Jenny ChanVirologyMay 2019
Ms Reema SubramanianBacteriologyDec 2018
Ms Kirsty KwokVirologyMay 2018
Mr George HuiBacteriologyDec 2017
Ms Kirsty KwokVirologyMay 2017
Ms Nana PoonMycologyDec 2016
Mr Dennis HuVirologyMay 2016
Ms Reema SubramanianBacteriologyDec 2015
Mr Leon LaiVirologyJun 2015