Paul Kay Sheung CHAN 

Professor Paul K.S. CHAN

Bachelor of Medicine & Bachelor of Surgery, The University of Hong Kong
Master of Science in Virology, University of London
Fellow of The Hong Kong College of Pathologists
Fellow of The Hong Kong Academy of Medicine
Doctor of Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Fellow of The Royal College of Pathologists, United Kingdom
Emeritus Professor & Honorary Clinical Professor,
Department of Microbiology,
Faculty of Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Senior College Tutor,
United College

Professor Paul K.S CHAN

Service to Hong Kong SAR Government:
Scientific Committee on Vector-Borne Diseases, Centre for Health Protection, Hong Kong SAR Government (since 2019)

National Committee for the Certification of Wild Poliovirus Eradication, Hong Kong SAR Government (since 2023).

Grant Review Board; Member, Research Council; Member, Grant Review Board Executive, Health and Medical Research Fund, Food and Health Bureau, Hong Kong SAR Government (since 2019).

Board of Scientific Advisor, Centre for Health Protection (since 2019).

Member of Scientific Committee on Emerging and Zoonotic Diseases, Centre for Health Protection, Hong Kong SAR Government (since 2024).

Expert Committee on Clinical Events Assessment Following COVID-19 Immunization, Department of Health, Hong SAR Government (since 2021).

Member of National Verification Committee for Measles Elimination in Hong Kong, Center for Health Protection, Hong Kong SAR Government (since 2012).

Scientific Advisor of Hong Kong Observatory, Hong Kong SAR Government (since 2008).
Service to professional bodies:
Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Virological Methods published by Elsevier (since 2015).

External Reviewer of CUHK Shenzhen School of Medicine (since 2023).

Chief Examiner, Hong Kong College of Pathologists (2020-2023).
Research interest
Chief Executive’s Commendation for Community Service行政長官社區服務獎狀 (for the outstanding contribution in the fight against COVID-19)

Date: 2022
Place: Hong Kong
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International Virological Award – Medal “100 Years of Virology”
(For the contribution in the development of virology and international collaboration of virology.)

Date: 2008

Place: Presented by the All-Russian Academy of Medical Sciences and Scientific Council of the D. I. Ivanovsky Institute of Virology

Outstanding Staff and Teams Award presented by the Hong Kong Hospital Authority
(For being a leader of the Virology Rapid Testing Centre during the avian influenza A H5N1 outbreak in Hong Kong in 1997.)

Date: 1999

Place: Hong Kong

Publications (Representative) (as at Dec 2023: total ~582, times cited~28,832, H-index~78)

  1. Chen Zi, Uto F, Platt D, DeSalle R, Parida L, Chan PKS, Burk RD. K-Mer analyses reveal different evolutionary histories of alpha, beta, and gamma papillomaviruses. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2021; 22: 9657.
  2. Yin F, Zhao L, Zhang L, Chen Y, Sun G, Li J, Zhang N, Xu Y, Chan PKS, Zhong R. Chemopreventive Role of Apigenin against the Synergistic Carcinogenesis of Human Papillomavirus and 4-(Methylnitrosamino)-1-(3-pyridyl)-1-butanone. Biomedicines 2020; 8:472.
  3. Law PT, Boon SS, Hu C, Lung RW, Cheung GP, Ho WC, Chen Z, Massimi P, Thomas M, Pim D, Banks L, Chan PKS*. Oncogenic comparison of human papillomavirus type 58 E7 variants. Journal of Cellular Molecular Medicine 2019; 23: 1517-1527.
  4. Chen Z, DeSalle R, Schiffman M, Herrero R, Wood CE, Ruiz JC, Clifford GM, Chan PKS, Burk RD. Niche adaptation and viral transmission of human papillomaviruses from archaic hominins to modern humans. PLOS Pathogens 2018; 14: e1007352.
  5. Chen Z, Ho WC, Boon SS, Law PT, Chan MC, DeSalle R, Burk RD, Chan PKS*. Ancient evolution and dispersion of human papillomavirus 58 variants. Journal of Virology 2017; 91: e01285-17.
  6. Zhang C, Park JS, Grce M, Hibbitts S, Palefsky JM, Konno R, Smith-McCune KK, Giovannelli L, Chu TY, Picconi MA, Piña-Sánchez P, Settheetham-Ishida W, Coutlée F, De Marco F, Woo YL, Ho WC, Wong MC, Chirenje MZ, Magure T, Moscicki AB, Sabol I, Fiander AN, Chen Z, Chan MC, Cheung TH, Burk RD, Chan PKS*. Geographical distribution and risk association of human papillomavirus genotype 52–variant lineages. Journal of Infectious Diseases. 2014 May 30. doi: 10.1093/infdis/jiu310
  7. Chan PKS*, Zhang C, Park JS, Smith-McCune KK, Palefsky JM, Giovannelli L, Coutlée F, Hibbitts S, Konno R, Settheetham-Ishida W, Chu TY, Ferrera A, Alejandra Picconi M, De Marco F, Woo YL, Raiol T, Piña-Sánchez P, Bae JH, Wong MC, Chirenje MZ, Magure T, Moscicki AB, Fiander AN, Capra G, Young Ki E, Tan Y, Chen Z, Burk RD, Chan MC, Cheung TH, Pim D, Banks L. Geographical distribution and oncogenic risk association of human papillomavirus type 58 E6 and E7 sequence variations. International Journal of Cancer. 2013 Jun 1;132(11):2528-2536.
  8. Cheung JL Cheung TH, Yu MY, Chan PKS*. Virological characteristics of cervical cancers carrying pure episomal form of HPV16 genome. Gynecologic Oncology 2013; 131: 374-379. Chan PKS*, Picconi MA, Cheung TH, Giovannelli L, Park JS. Laboratory and clinical aspects of human papillomavirus testing. Critical Reviews in Clinical Laboratory Sciences 2012; 49: 117-136.
  9. Chan PKS*. Human papillomavirus type 58: the unique role in cervical cancers in East Asia. Cell and Bioscience 2012; 2:17.
  10. Sham CL, To KF, Chan PKS, Lee DLY, Tong MCF, van Hasselt A*. Prevalence of human papillomavirus, Epstein-Barr virus, p21, and p53 expression in sinonasal inverted papillomas, nasal polyp, and hypertrophied turbinate in Hong Kong patients. Head and Neck 2012; 34: 520-533.
  11. Lee A*, Chan PKS, Lau LCH, Chan TTN. How would family physicians facilitate the uptake of HPV vaccination: focus group study on parents and single women in Hong Kong. The Hong Kong Practitioner 2011; 33: 107-114.
  12. Chan PKS*, Cheung TH, Li WH, Yu MY, Chan MY, Yim SF, Ho WC, Yeung AC, Ho KM, Ng HK. Attribution of human papillomavirus types to cervical intraepithelial neoplasia and invasive cancers in Southern China. International Journal Cancer. 2012; 131: 692-705.
  13. Leung WY*, Chan PKS, Lau KH, Ho KM. The prevalence of human papilloma virus in the anal region of male Chinese attendees in three public sexually transmitted disease clinics in Hong Kong. Hong Kong Journal of Dermatology and Venereology 2011; 19: 6-13.
  14. Chan PKS*, Luk AC, Park JS, Smith-McCune KK, Palefsky JM, Konno Y, Giovannelli L, Coutlée F, Hibbitts S, Chu TY, Settheetham-Ishida W, Picconi MA, Ferrera A, De Marco F, Woo YL, Raiol T, Piña-Sánchez P, Cheung JLK, Bae JH, Chirenje MZ, Magure T, Moscicki AB, Fiander AN, Di Stefano R, Cheung TH, Yu MM, Tsui SK, Pim D, Banks L. Identification of human papillomavirus type 58 lineages and the distribution worldwide. Journal of Infectious Diseases 2011; 203: 1565-1573.
  15. Chan PKS*, Liu SJ, Cheung JLK, Cheung TH, Yeo W, Chong P, Man S. T-cell response to human papillomavirus type 52 L1, E6, and E7 peptides in women with transient infection, cervical intraepithelial neoplasia, and invasive cancer. Journal of Medical Virology 2011; 83:1023-1030.
  16. Yip YC, Ngai KLK, Vong HT, Tzang LCH, Ji S, Yang M, Chan PKS*. Prevalence and genotype distribution of cervical human papillomavirus infection in Macao. Journal of Medical Virology 2010; 82: 1724-1729.
  17. Hlaing T, Yip YC, Ngai KL, Vong HT, Wong SI, Ho WC, Batalha SL, Chan PKS*. Distribution of human papillomavirus genotypes among cervical intraepithelial neoplasia and invasive cancers in Macao. Journal of Medical Virology 2010; 82: 1600-1605.
  18. Chan PKS*, Liu SJ, Cheung TH, Yeo W, Ngai SM, Cheung JLK, Chong P, Man S. T-cell response to human papillomavirus type 58 L1, E6, And E7 peptides in women with cleared infection, cervical intraepithelial neoplasia, or invasive cancer. Clinical and Vaccine Immunology 2010; 17: 1315-1321.
  19. Chan PKS*, Chang AR, Yu MY, Li WH, Chan MYM, Yeung ACM, Cheung TH, Yau TN, Wong SM, Yau CW, Ng HK. Age distribution of human papillomavirus infection and cervical neoplasia reflects caveats of cervical screening policies. International Journal of Cancer 2010; 126: 297-301.
  20. Tam LS*, Chan PKS, Ho SC, Yu MMY, Yim SF, Cheung TH, Wong MCS, Li EK. Natural history of cervical papilloma virus infection in systemic lupus erythematosus – a prospective cohort study. Journal of Rheumatology 2010; 37: 330-40.
  21. Chan PKS*, Ho WCS, Yu MY, Pong WM, Chan ACL, Chan AKC, TH Cheung, MCS Wong, KF To, HK Ng. Distribution of human papillomavirus types in cervical cancers in Hong Kong: current situation and changes over the last decades. International Journal of Cancer 2009; 125: 1671–1677.
  22. Chan PKS*, Ho WCS, Wong MCS, Chang AR, Chor JSY, Yu MY. Epidemiologic risk profile of infection with different groups of human papillomaviruses. Journal of Medical Virology 2009; 81: 1635–1644.
  23. Chan PKS*, Luk ACS, Luk TNM, Lee KF, Cheung JLK, Ho KM, Lo KK. Distribution of human papillomavirus types in anogenital warts of men. Journal of Clinical Virology 2009; 44: 111-114.
  24. Cheung JLK, Cheung TH, Ng CWY, Yu MY, Wong MCS, Siu SSN, Yim SF, Chan PKS*. Analysis of HPV18 Viral Load and Integration Status from Low-Grade Cervical Lesion to Invasive Cervical Cancer. Journal of Clinical Microbiology, 2009: 47: 287-293.
  25. Bae JH, Cheung JLK, Lee SJ, Luk ACS, Tong SY, Chan PKS, Park JS*. Distribution of Human Papillomavirus Type 58 Variants in Progression of Cervical Dysplasia in Korean Women. J Microbiol Biotechnol 2009; 19: 1051–1054.
  26. Wong WCW*, Fong B, Chan PKS. Acceptance of human papillomavirus vaccination among first year female university students in Hong Kong. Sexual Health 2009; 6: 264-271.
  27. Cheung JLK, Cheung TH, Tang JWT, Chan PKS*. Increase of integration events and infection loads of human papillomavirus type 52 with lesion severity from low-grade cervical lesion to invasive cancer. Journal of Clinical Microbiology 2008; 46: 1356-1362.
  28. Liu HC, Chen GG*, Vlantis AC, Tong MCF, Chan PKS, van Hasselt CA. Induction of cell cycle arrest and apoptosis by 5-fluorouracil in laryngeal cancer cells containing HPV16 E6 and E7 oncoproteins. Clinical Biochemistry 2008; 41: 1117-1125.
  29. Chan PKS*. Commonly asked questions on human papillomavirus vaccine. Hong Kong Journal of Dermatology and Venereology 2008; 16: 12-17.
  30. Chan PKS*, Cheung JLK, Cheung TH, Lo KWK, Yim SF, Siu SSN, Tang JW. Profile of viral load, integration and E2 gene disruption of HPV58 in normal cervix and cervical neoplasia. Journal of Infectious Diseases 2007; 196: 868-875.
  31. Chan PKS*, Cheung JLK, Cheung TH, Lin CK, Siu SSN, Yu MMY, Tang JW, Lo KWK, Yim SF, Wong YF, To KF, Ng HK, Chung TKH. HLA-DQB1 polymorphisms and risk for cervical cancer: a case-control study in a southern Chinese population. Gynecologic Oncology 2007; 105: 736-741.
  32. Chan PKS*, Cheung TH, Lin CK, Siu SSN, Yim SF, Lo KWK, Cheung JLK, Tam AOY, Tang JW. Association between HLA-DRB1 polymorphism, high-risk HPV infection and cervical neoplasia in southern Chinese women. Journal of Medical Virology 2007; 79: 970-976.
  33. Cheung JL, Lo KW, Cheung TH, Tang JW, Chan PKS*. Viral load, E2 gene disruption status, and lineage of human papillomavirus type 16 infection in cervical neoplasia. Journal of Infectious Diseases 2006; 194: 1706-1712.
  34. Chan PKS*, Cheung JLK, Cheung TH, Lin CK, Tam AOY, Chan DPC, Zhou DX, Lo KWK, Yim SF, Siu SSN. HLA-B alleles, high-risk HPV infection and risk for cervical neoplasia in southern Chinese women. International Journal of Cancer 2006; 118: 1430-1435.
  35. Chan PKS*, Cheung THH, Tam AOH, Lo KWH, Yim SFH, Yu MMH, To KFH, Wong YFH, Cheung JLK, Chan DPC, Hui MH, Ip M. Biases in human papillomavirus genotype prevalence assessment associated with commonly used consensus primers. International Journal of Cancer 2006; 118: 243-245.
  36. Chan PKS*, Yu MMY, Cheung TH, To KF, Lo KWK, Cheung JLK, Tong JHM. Detection and quantitation of human papillomavirus DNA in primary tumour and lymph nodes of patients with early stage cervical carcinoma. Journal of Clinical Virology 2005; 33: 201-205.
  37. Chan PKS*. Epidemiology of human papillomavirus in Asia: Do HPV-52 and HPV-58 play a special role? Papillomavirus Report 2005; 16: 265-271.
  38. Chan DPC, Cheung TH, Tam AOY, Cheung JLK, Yim SF, Lo KWK, Siu NSS, Zhou DX, Chan PKS*. Risk association of HLA-A allele and high-risk HPV infection for cervical neoplasia in Chinese women. Journal of Infectious Diseases 2005; 192: 1749-1756.
  39. Tam LS*, Chan AYK, Chan PKS, Chang AR, Li EK. Higher prevalence of squamous intraepithelial lesion in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus – association with human papillomavirus infection. Arthritis and Rheumatism 2004; 11: 3619-3625.
  40. Du J, Chen GG*, Vlantis AC, Chan PKS, Tsang RKY, van Hasselt CA. Resistance to apoptosis of HPV 16-infected laryngeal cancer cells is associated with decreased Bak and increased Bcl-2 expression. Cancer Letters 2004; 205: 81-88.
  41. Yu MY, Tong JHM, Chan PKS, Lee TL, Chan MWY, Chan AWH, Lo KW, To KF. Hypermethylation of the tumor suppressor gene RASSFIA and frequent concomitant loss of heterozygosity at 3P21 in cervical cancers. International Journal of Cancer 2003; 105: 204-209.
  42. Chan PKS*, Lam CW, Cheung TH, Li WWH, Lo KWK, Chan MYM, Cheung JLK, Cheng AF. Association of human papillomavirus type 58 variant with the risk of cervical cancer. Journal of the National Cancer Institute 2002; 94: 1249-1253.
  43. Chan PKS*, Lam CW, Cheung TH, Li WWH, Lo KW, Chan MY, Cheung JL, Xu LY, Cheng AF. Human papillomavirus 16 intratypic variant infection and risk for cervical neoplasia in Southern China. Journal of Infectious Diseases 2002; 186: 696-700.
  44. Chan PKS*, Mak KH, Cheung JLK, Tang NLS, Chan DPC, Lo KK, Cheng AF. Genotype spectrum of cervical human papillomavirus infection among sexually transmitted disease clinic patients in Hong Kong. Journal of Medical Virology 2002; 68: 273-277.
  45. Chan PKS*, Chang AR, Tam WH, Cheung JLK, Cheng AF. Prevalence and genotype distribution of cervical human papillomavirus infection: comparison between pregnant women and non-pregnant controls. Journal of Medical Virology 2002; 67: 583-588.
  46. Chan PKS*, Chang AR, Cheung JLK, Chan DPC, Xu LY, Tang NLS, Cheng AF. Determinants of cervical human papillomavirus infection: differences between high and low oncogenic risk types. Journal of Infectious Diseases 2002; 185: 28-35.
  47. Chan PKS*, Chan MYM, Li WWH, Chan DPC, Cheung JLK, Cheng AF. Association of human betaherpesviruses with the development of cervical cancer: bystanders or cofactors. Journal of Clinical Pathology 2001; 54: 48-53.
  48. Chan PKS*, Li WH, Chan MYM, Cheng AFB. Detection of human herpesvirus 8 in cervical cells of Chinese women with abnormal Papanicolaou smears. Clinical Infectious Diseases 1999; 29: 1584-1585.
  49. Chan PKS*, Li WH, Chan MYM, Ma WL, Cheung JLK, Cheng AF. High prevalence of human papillomavirus type 58 in Chinese women with cervical cancer and precancerous lesions. Journal of Medical Virology 1999; 59: 232-238.
  1. Chen Z, Ching KC, Wong MCS, Boon SS, Huang J, Wang MH, Ng RWY, Lai CKC, Chan PKS*. A global analysis on replacement of genetic variants of SARS-CoV-2 in associate with containment capacity and changes in disease severity. Clin Microbiol Infect. 2021 Jan 29;S1198-743X(21)00045-8. doi: 10.1016/j.cmi.2021.01.018.
  2. Prospective Study Comparing Deep Throat Saliva With Other Respiratory Tract Specimens in the Diagnosis of Novel Coronavirus Disease 2019. Lai CKC, Chen Z, Lui G, Ling L, Li T, Wong MCS, Ng RWY, Tso EYK, Ho T, Fung KSC, Ng ST, Wong BKC, Boon SS, Hui DSC, Chan PKS*.J Infect Dis. 2020 Oct 13;222(10):1612-1619.
  3. Viral dynamics of SARS-CoV-2 across a spectrum of disease severity in COVID-19. Lui G, Ling L, Lai CK, Tso EY, Fung KS, Chan V, Ho TH, Luk F, Chen Z, Ng JK, Chow KM, Cheng PK, Chan RC, Tsang DN, Gomersall CD, Hui DS, Chan PKS*. J Infect. 2020 Aug;81(2):318-356.
  4. Serologic Responses in Healthy Adult with SARS-CoV-2 Reinfection, Hong Kong, August 2020. Chan PKS, Lui G, Hachim A, Ko RLW, Boon SS, Li T, Kavian N, Luk F, Chen Z, Yau EM, Chan KH, Tsang CH, Cheng SMS, Chu DKW, Perera RAPM, Ho WCS, Yeung ACM, Chow C, Poon LLM, Valkenburg SA, Hui DSC, Peiris M. Emerg Infect Dis. 2020 Dec;26(12):3076-3078.
  5. Interleukin-38 ameliorates poly(I:C) induced lung inflammation: therapeutic implications in respiratory viral infections. Gao X, Chan PKS, Lui GCY, Hui DSC, Chu IM, Sun X, Tsang MS, Chan BCL, Lam CW, Wong CK. Cell Death Dis. 2021 Jan 7;12(1):53.
  1. Chen Z, Ching KC, Wong MCS, Boon SS, Huang J, Wang MH, Ng RWY, Lai CKC, Chan PKS*. A global analysis on replacement of genetic variants of SARS-CoV-2 in associate with containment capacity and changes in disease severity. Clin Microbiol Infect. 2021 Jan 29;S1198-743X(21)00045-8. doi: 10.1016/j.cmi.2021.01.018.
  2. Prospective Study Comparing Deep Throat Saliva With Other Respiratory Tract Specimens in the Diagnosis of Novel Coronavirus Disease 2019. Lai CKC, Chen Z, Lui G, Ling L, Li T, Wong MCS, Ng RWY, Tso EYK, Ho T, Fung KSC, Ng ST, Wong BKC, Boon SS, Hui DSC, Chan PKS*.J Infect Dis. 2020 Oct 13;222(10):1612-1619.
  3. Viral dynamics of SARS-CoV-2 across a spectrum of disease severity in COVID-19. Lui G, Ling L, Lai CK, Tso EY, Fung KS, Chan V, Ho TH, Luk F, Chen Z, Ng JK, Chow KM, Cheng PK, Chan RC, Tsang DN, Gomersall CD, Hui DS, Chan PKS*. J Infect. 2020 Aug;81(2):318-356.
  4. Serologic Responses in Healthy Adult with SARS-CoV-2 Reinfection, Hong Kong, August 2020. Chan PKS, Lui G, Hachim A, Ko RLW, Boon SS, Li T, Kavian N, Luk F, Chen Z, Yau EM, Chan KH, Tsang CH, Cheng SMS, Chu DKW, Perera RAPM, Ho WCS, Yeung ACM, Chow C, Poon LLM, Valkenburg SA, Hui DSC, Peiris M. Emerg Infect Dis. 2020 Dec;26(12):3076-3078.
  5. Interleukin-38 ameliorates poly(I:C) induced lung inflammation: therapeutic implications in respiratory viral infections. Gao X, Chan PKS, Lui GCY, Hui DSC, Chu IM, Sun X, Tsang MS, Chan BCL, Lam CW, Wong CK. Cell Death Dis. 2021 Jan 7;12(1):53.