CUHK Research Shows 1 in 5 Throat Cancer Patients in HK is HPV infected Public Screening Test to Study Oral HPV infection – Press Release

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CUHK Research Shows 1 in 5 Throat Cancer Patients in HK is HPV infected Public Screening Test to Study Oral HPV infection – Press Release

CUHK Research Shows 1 in 5 Throat Cancer Patients in HK is HPV infected Public Screening Test to Study Oral HPV infection – Press Release
中大研究發現本地每 5 名口咽癌患者 1 人感染 HPV 病毒 推公眾篩查以了解口腔感染 HPV 情況 – 新聞稿

(Left) Prof. Paul Kay Sheung CHAN, Chairman, Department of Microbiology

Dr. Eddy LAM, Honorary Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery

Professor Martin WONG, Division of Family Medicine and Primary Health Care, The Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care