

As a key function of the Department, we actively conduct research with the following purposes: (i) reveal factors that underlie major phenomena concerning microbial infection, such as antibiotic resistance, (ii) better characterize the infection and transmission potential of important pathogens, such as Streptococcus pneumoniae, (iii) devise new methods for more efficient diagnosis and treatment of major microbial diseases, such as influenza. In the past, we have developed rapid and accurate diagnostic methods that helped improve clinical management of viral infections such as viral hepatitis, rotavirus, seasonal and pandemic influenza, cytomegalovirus, parvovirus and respiratory syncytial virus, and bacterial infections including tuberculosis, Helicobacter infection, and meningitis. Our works on antibiotics have also generated information on the bioavailability of antibiotics in the human body, mechanisms of antimicrobial resistance, and the epidemiology of resistant pathogens in Hong Kong, allowing development of more rational and effective antimicrobial therapeutic strategies.

In view of the aging population and emerging clinical problems concerning microbial infection, we strive to further streamline our research programmes, better utilize departmental resources, and enhance our competitiveness by identifying specific research areas of major importance for more focused and long-term investigation. Four research topics which we term ‘Focused Research Themes’ have been earmarked for such purposes: (1) Human Tumor Virology, (2) Human Respiratory Viruses, (3) Antimicrobial Resistance and Antibiotic Stewardship and (4) Streptococcus pneumoniae and other Streptococci. We anticipate that sustainable and strategic investment of research efforts in these five representative topics will produce new knowledge that enables us to better understand the process of infection and control the impact of microbial pathogens on human health.